
Importance of Analytics in Audit

Auditing is an age-old procedure of understanding the position of your company. An auditor will try to analyze the performance of a

Why is Accounting Necessary for your Business?

Accountancy is a necessity for all types of business organizations. The following reasons can be cited for the need for accountancy. Human memory power cannot remember every transaction concerning business for a long time. So accounting becomes necessary to record all transactions.

Accountant Jobs in Dubai

With the upcoming Expo 2020 and the recent implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT), the demand for accountants and finance professionals in Dubai continue to soar. Professionals with specialist skills in the UAE will continue to increase this year and the next, while companies implement wide-scale projects. Qualified applicants with an attractive skill set can land great job opportunities in Dubai, especially those seeking accountant jobs in Dubai. Accountants are tasked in compiling and analysing account information by preparing assets and liability, and capital account entries. They enter account information and documents financial transactions, while using their findings to recommend financial actions.

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